We Specialize In Consumer Protection Law

Massachusetts has strong public policy in favor of consumer protection. The Massachusetts Consumer Protection Statute, chapter 93A, prohibits any unfair and deceptive conduct by a business, and provides significant concequences against businesses that violate consumer rights. Courts have the discretion to award up to triple damages to a consumer who has been harmed by such unfair and deceptive conduct. G.L. c. 93A is also a “fee-shifting” statute, meaning that if you prevail in a chapter 93A claim, the defendant business is required to pay not only any damages ordered by the court, but must also pay your attorney fees. Massachusetts consumers can raise chapter 93A claims here in Massachusetts against out-of-state businesses who conduct business with Massachusetts residents by phone, mail, or via the internet.

Both federal and state laws prohibit unfair and deceptive debt collection practices. It is common practice for debt buyers to purchase charged-off accounts or old judgments for pennies on the dollar and then sue consumers for the full amount of the debt, plus 12% interest from the date of default. Most often, the debts are so old that consumers no longer have any records relating to the account. In a study of 4,400 lawsuits filed by debt buyers, when consumers were represented by counsel, they prevailed approximately 85% of the time; when consumers did not have counsel, the debt collector prevailed 75% of the time (Source). We offer a free consultation to evaluate your potential claims. 

Consumer Protection Law

KMT LAW PC has consumer protection experience representing clients in a wide range of issues, including the following:

  • Debt collection lawsuits

  • Unfair or deceptive debt collection practices

  • Unfair or deceptive conduct by a home improvement contractor

  • Predatory lending

  • Mortgage and loan modification

  • Fair Credit Reporting Act claims

  • Contract disputes

  • False or deceptive advertising, fraud, or breach of warranty

  • Product liability claims

  • Lawsuits or deceptive conduct by private student loan companies or servicers.

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